NJR launches enhanced online hospital information

Published: 27 Aug 2015


The National Joint Registry of England, Wales and Northern Ireland is pleased to announce that from today, additional hospital information can be found through its Surgeon and Hospital Profiles.

The service, extending under NHS England’s transparency initiative, now offers patients the chance to look at hospital outcomes in greater depth, analysing results in comparison to the rest of the country.

The enhanced hospital information found online at www.njrsurgeonhospitalprofile.org.uk allows joint replacement patients and the public to see:

How a chosen hospital compares to national average rates for a range of patient improvement and outcome measures including revision

  • Overall characteristics of first-time hip/knee patients treated at the hospital and
  • An assessment of the quality of the data each hospital provides the NJR
  • The range of quality measures are designed to further complement the individual surgeon information originally launched in 2013. The website, last updated in 2014, gives patients the opportunity to search for information on more than 2,000 consultant surgeons who carry out hip, knee, ankle, elbow and shoulder joint replacement surgery for the NHS in England and the hospitals where such procedures are carried out.

“This is a significant step forward in getting the right balance of information about hospitals and surgeons published so that it can benefit patients” commented NJR Medical Director Mr Martyn Porter. “It’s not a simple process and requires engagement and discussion to ensure that the results being published are appropriate and will do what they need to – open up meaningful dialogue about quality in joint replacement surgery.”

Porter continued: “We hope that anyone exploring the website over the coming weeks and months will be able to digest what’s there and feel assured that quality in joint replacement surgery is being measured and monitored.”

NJR Director of operations Elaine Young added: “We are pleased to be able to provide a much broader picture of hospital results for joint replacement. We also look forward to developing and refining the information later in the year when the surgeon information will also be refreshed.”

“Our thanks must go to our NJR Patient Network who provided important direction in terms of the layout, wording, definitions and context for the data” Young concluded.

In the coming month, patient outcomes at hospital-level will also be available to search via NHS Choices.