National Adult Diabetes Audit (NDA)

Supplier info

Name: Charlotte Skinner
Org: NHS England (formerly NHS Digital)
Phone: 030 0303 5678
Website: NDA

HQIP contact

Grace Cuff

 Programme overview

Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting over two million people in England and Wales. It is caused by an inability to use or produce the hormone insulin and leads to a rise in blood glucose. The National Diabetes Audit is considered to be the largest annual clinical audit in the world, providing an infrastructure for the collation, analysis, benchmarking and feedback of local data across the NHS.

The National Diabetes Audit measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE Quality Standards, in England and Wales. It collects and analyses data for use by a range of stakeholders to drive changes and improvements in the quality of services and health outcomes for people with diabetes.

The audit aims to improve outcomes for adults with diabetes receiving care from primary, secondary and community care providers. It consists of a suite of audits:

  • National Diabetes Core Audit, including:
    • Care Processes and Treatment Targets
    • Complications & Mortality
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Learning Disability and Mental Health
    • Structured Education
    • Prisons and Secure Mental Health Settings
  • Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) Audit
  • National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit (NPID)
  • National Diabetes Footcare Audit (NDFA)
  • National Diabetes Inpatient Safety Audit (NDISA)
  • Transition and Young Type 2 Audit
  • National Gestational Diabetes Audit
  • National Diabetes Audit Integrated Specialist Survey

Additional information on all HQIP-commissioned projects is available on the NHS Trusts page, which includes the recommendations repository, infographics compendium, 9 month publication schedule, impact report, and National Clinical Audit and Enquiries Directory. For further information about this project, please contact the project team directly using the contact details listed in the ‘Supplier Info’ section above.

Accessing data

Data collected on behalf of HQIP by all NCAPOP projects is routinely reported and these reports are available in the ‘Related resources’ section. The reported data is also placed on the website.

For regularly updated dynamic reporting of audit data, follow the link in the HQIP Directory in the column called ‘Link to dynamic reporting’.

For details of how to apply for data that is not in the public domain, please see HQIP’s data access webpages.

Details of the contracts that HQIP awards are available at:

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