National Neonatal Audit Programme (NNAP)

Supplier info

Name: Rachel Winch
Org: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
Phone: 0203 861 1910
Website: RCPCH

HQIP contact

Grace Cuff

Programme overview

Approximately one in eight, or around 95,000 babies born each year in England, Scotland and Wales will be admitted to a Neonatal Unit (NNU) which specialises in looking after babies who are born too early, with a low birth weight or who have a medical condition requiring specialist treatment. Established in 2006 to assess whether babies admitted to neonatal units in England and Wales receive consistent and high-quality care as measured by adherence to a set of agreed professional guidelines and standards. The audit aims to identify areas for quality improvement in NNUs in relation to the delivery and outcomes of care.

Additional information on all HQIP-commissioned projects is available on the NHS Trusts page, which includes the recommendations repository, infographics compendium, 9 month publication schedule, impact report, and National Clinical Audit and Enquiries Directory. For further information about this project, please contact the project team directly using the contact details listed in the ‘Supplier Info’ section above.

Patient & Public Engagement case study: The National Neonatal Audit Programme’s (NNAP) case study of their entry from the 2020 Richard Driscoll Memorial Award (RDMA) can be read in full here.

Accessing data

Data collected on behalf of HQIP by all NCAPOP projects is routinely reported and these reports are available in the ‘Latest resources’ section. The reported data is also placed on the website.

For regularly updated dynamic reporting of audit data, follow the link in the HQIP Directory in the column called ‘Link to dynamic reporting’.

This audit utilises existing datasets rather than bespoke data collection. For details of how to apply for data that is not in the public domain, please contact the project team directly.

Details of the contracts that HQIP awards are available at: 

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