National Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Audit (NNHLA)
Supplier info
Org: Royal College of Surgeons of England
Website: NATCAN
HQIP contact
Sarah WalkerProgramme overview
More than 14,000 people are diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the UK every year, and the audit will analyse data looking into their diagnosis and treatment in detail. The aim is to feed results back to individual cancer services and hospitals, as well as to the NHS at a national level in England and Wales. Timely results will be published every three or four months in order to produce continuous improvement for patients diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. For more information please see the audit website link above.
Accessing data
Data collected on behalf of HQIP by all NCAPOP projects is routinely reported and these reports are available in the ‘Related resources’ section.
For regularly updated dynamic reporting of audit data, follow the link in the HQIP Directory in the column called ‘Link to dynamic reporting’.
The reported data is also placed on the website.
For details of how to apply for data that is not in the public domain, please see HQIP’s data access webpages.
Details of the contracts that HQIP awards are available at: