Our board, accounts and annual reports
HQIP’s board of trustees meet quarterly, with one of the four meetings coinciding with the organisation’s annual general meeting (AGM). This is usually held in the autumn.
- Chair
Celia Ingham Clark
Dr Ingham Clark, who was awarded an MBE in 2013 for services to the NHS, recently retired as Medical Director for Professional Leadership and Professional Standards at NHS England. Having held senior roles in clinical governance, patient safety, medical education and population health, she understands not only the systemic challenges facing healthcare today, but also the difference that patient-centred, sustainable improvement can make.
- Trustees
Mark Hampton - Treasurer
Mark Hampton joined the Board of HQIP in November 2023 as Treasurer. Mark brings a wealth of Executive and non-Executive healthcare experience, having worked with a variety of participants in the sector in the UK and the US.
Mark’s career has been in finance and general management; most recently he was Group CFO/COO of Collinson, a global business providing travel solutions for over 400 million end consumers.
Previously Mark spent eight years with Bupa, initially in the UK as Group Treasurer before moving to the US to be CFO of Health Dialog, which offers personalised health solutions to millions of health plan customers while reducing overall costs.
Currently Mark sits on the Board of Sigma Pharmaceuticals plc as a Non-Executive Director. Sigma is a leading family owned and family run business, which has been serving Independent Pharmacies, Dispensing Doctors and Hospitals for over 35 years.
Mark also sits on the Board and is Treasurer of Aesop, an arts charity and social enterprise working to achieve positive social change in healthcare by providing arts solutions to address society’s health and social care problems.
Gill Coverdale
Gill is the UK Professional Lead for Education (Quality Assurance) at the Royal College of Nursing and is highly passionate about nursing and the delivery of high-quality patient centred care. She is also determined that nurse education and CPD is recognised as vital to safe and effective care and is equally available to the whole of the nursing workforce.
Her role at the RCN is to work with stakeholders to direct the development of professional education standards for nursing that reflect the changing requirements of healthcare provision; and lead and manage the RCN’s framework for professional education, training and career development. This requires taking account of the four country political, policy and regulatory context.
Gill is currently leading on a transformation programme and strengthening the RCN processes around quality assurance and quality improvement. Gill is also an RCN Coach.
Peter Bloomfield
Peter is Head of Policy and Research at Future Care Capital (FCC), where he works on health and care data, technology and innovation. His work focuses on how technology can transform care and how technology can be adopted to transform the system for a high quality outcome focused future. He advises government, industry and academia on health and care technology, with a focus on data and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Before FCC Peter worked with AI start-ups through acceleration programmes to help them scale their technical and commercial capabilities. He has advised the UK and foreign governments on AI policy, strategy, and ecosystem development. Previously, Peter was a neuroscientist and was awarded his PhD from Imperial College London in 2016. His work focused on neuroimaging, investigating nervous system changes associated with neurological and psychiatric illnesses. He has also built human computer interface technology for clinical research and gaming applications.
Janice Gabriel
Janice Gabriel has over 30 years’ experience as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the National Health Service (NHS) and the last two years have been spent in the independent sector. Her knowledge and skills have been mainly focussed on cancer care, where she has held a number of roles including clinical, managerial, research and teaching. She prides herself in continual professional development to provide optimal care. She has written over 50 published papers/book chapters (mainly related to central venous access for individuals affected by cancer), and also edited three cancer nursing text books. In addition to these publications she has presented papers at conferences, both nationally and internationally, relating to her research interest in vascular access.
Rose Jarvis
Rose originally trained as a nurse, specialising in operating theatres in the UK and Amsterdam. Following a break to have a family, she undertook a degree and PhD in biological sciences at the University of Warwick and then moved into clinical trials management. She has worked at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges since 2015 where she is now Director of Education and Quality.
- Board minutes
- Accounts and annual reports
HQIP is an independent charity – our statutory trustee reports and accounts for the Charities Commission and Companies House can be found below:
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2024
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2023
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2022
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2021
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2020
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2019
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2018
Audited accounts to March 2017
Annual Report and Accounts to March 2016
Audited accounts to March 2015