
Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme – RDMA20 Case Study

Published: 18 Dec 2020

FFFAP, highly commended in previous years have consistently shown a commitment to involving patients and carers within their audit programme. The patient panel are enthusiastic and engaged and throughout 2020 have remained positive as illustrated in this blog where the team describe how the PPI activities continued with the panel building on audit findings and identifying what is important to patients - producing a range of resources as a result.

National Neonatal Audit Programme – RDMA20 Case Study

Published: 18 Dec 2020

The NNAP team works very closely with their parent representatives and this blog highlights the benefits of working practices during lockdown and how it improved accessibility for interested parents to be involved with examples of outputs and impact throughout 2020.

Hear from our Heroes: Joint Winner, Clinical Audit Professional of the Year

Published: 11 Sep 2020

It was a privilege to be jointly awarded clinical  audit professional of the year. I felt valued knowing that someone in my organisation had nominated me. Really though, this is a reflection on all the great work that goes on in our team and by hard working groups and individuals across our organisation. We are constantly striving to make audit matter, integrate our work as widely as possible, demonstrate improvements and share learning whenever we can.

COVID-19 – Some Positive Outcomes

Published: 10 Sep 2020

With the outbreak of this pandemic, there have been many consequences for the delivery of healthcare in the United Kingdom. It became apparent early on that it was having a negative impact on those with cardiovascular disease.

Hear from our Heroes: Team of the Year

Published: 08 Sep 2020

X-PERT Health was thrilled to hear that we were the winner of Audit Hero Awards “Team of the Year” category. This was for demonstrating high levels of patient engagement and co-design as well as evidence-based systemic change leading to sustained improvement.

Hear from our Heroes: Clinical Practitioner of the Year (Local)

Published: 07 Sep 2020

It was a great privilege to be nominated for the audit hero awards (thanks to my colleagues who think I do a good job in this area). It was incredibly exciting when I heard that I won the award. Certainly a game changer in my QI journey!

Hear from our Heroes: Clinical Audit Professional of the Year (National)

Published: 04 Sep 2020

I felt like an expert.

Hear from our Heroes: Student of the Year

Published: 03 Sep 2020

Last year, I was awarded the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership Audit Hero award for Student of the Year. Now, I’m encouraging healthcare professionals to nominate their students for recognition of their quality improvement (QI) work at university.

Hear from our Heroes: Clinical Practitioner of the Year (national)

Published: 02 Sep 2020

For me personally it was a fabulous and unexpected pleasure to have received the award last year. But in reality, this really recognised the great team at the CRANE Database based at the Clinical Effectiveness Unit, Royal College of Surgeons, I had worked with since 2008. It gave the whole team immense satisfaction to think how their work had been recognised by peers for delivering excellence and impacting patient care through the constructive use of data and data linkage.

Hear from our Heroes: Clinical Audit Professional of the Year (local)

Published: 01 Sep 2020

I felt very honoured and surprised to win Clinical Audit Professional of the Year in 2019 jointly with Colin Barnes. I knew I had been nominated but after seeing so many talented clinical audit staff at regional meetings and seeing the amazing work they had produced on the NQICAN forum I didn’t think I had a chance. I am very grateful to my colleagues for the glowing nomination and for the support they continue to give me every day.

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