Understanding Health Data Access


Understanding Health Data Access (UHDA) was a project funded by the Health Foundation and delivered  by our project team, that aimed to demystify the rules on sharing patient data beyond the direct provision of healthcare.

The project team developed a suite of short films and written resources designed to improve accessible, introductory information to the complex rules and processes that govern how health and care data can be shared.

The resources

Three resources were developed and published with support from creative design agency, Brickwall:

  • An Introduction to Developing Good Data Applications (video resource): Introducing the principles that data custodians work within to ensure that data is shared safely, legally, fairly and with public benefit.
  • The Duty of Confidentiality (video resource): Explains how the duty of confidentiality arises, how it can be met, and how this applies to health data applications.
  • Planning a Health Data Application (online guide): Illustrates the key steps in planning an application, and provides collated guidance and information across the research and data sharing pathway.

Impact of the work

Following the publication of these resources, HQIP undertook a survey to measure their effectiveness among target audiences. 26 people, of whom 30% were data applicants and another 30% were Data Protection Officers (DPOs) / Information Governance (IG) experts. The feedback was universally positive with, for example, 100% of respondents saying they would be likely to recommend the The Duty of Confidentiality film to a colleague.

Thank you – this is an amazing resource! The videos are very well done.

The resources can be found on the Understanding Health Data Access webpage on HQIP’s website, along with key information and signposting for patients and the public.

Case studies

Supporting the participation of independent healthcare providers in the NCAPOP: A feasibility pilot project »

HQIP, funded by the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN), led on a feasibility study exploring Independent Sector (IS) participation in the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP).

Service Reconfiguration case study

Clinical service reconfiguration for an NHS Trust undergoing merger »

A partnership of three NHS Trusts approached HQIP to act as a 'critical friend' to check and challenge their thinking in the implementation of a major reconfiguration of vascular services.

Leading multi-disciplinary teams towards consensus

Leading multi-disciplinary teams towards consensus »

The team at HQIP is highly skilled at convening groups of multi-professional experts across fields and disciplines to work through challenges and arrive at consensus decisions that lead to improved patient care.

National Clinical Audit induction

National Clinical Audit induction »

HQIP offer full induction days for individuals or groups on the national clinical audit and patient outcomes programme (NCAPOP).

Who we work with

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