Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme

Supplier info

Name: Marisa Mason
Org: National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD)
Phone: 020 7251 9060
Website: NCEPOD

HQIP contact

Sumera Bhatti

Programme overview

The Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme was first commissioned by HQIP in 2015 and has been delivered to date by The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) team. The Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme is one of four Clinical Outcome Review Programmes (previously known as confidential enquiries) which are designed to help assess the quality of healthcare, and stimulate improvement in safety and effectiveness by systematically enabling clinicians, managers and policy makers to learn from adverse events and other relevant data.

The aim of the programme is to understand the way care is delivered against a range of topics important to the care of children and young people, and stimulate improvements in the quality, experience, and outcomes of care in connection to those topics.

Study topics are selected through an open submission process and anyone is invited to submit proposals for consideration as possible forthcoming studies. The areas currently being studied are:

  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Emergency Paediatric Surgery

Additional information on all HQIP-commissioned projects is available on the NHS Trusts page, which includes the recommendations repository, infographics compendium, 9-month publication schedule, impact report, and National Clinical Audit and Enquiries Directory. For further information about this project, please contact the project team directly using the contact details listed in the ‘Supplier Info’ section above.

Accessing data

Data collected on behalf of HQIP by all NCAPOP projects is routinely reported and these reports are available in the ‘Related resources’ section. The reported data is also placed on the website.

For regularly updated dynamic reporting of audit data, follow the link in the HQIP Directory in the column called ‘Link to dynamic reporting’.

For details of how to apply for data that is not in the public domain, please see HQIP’s data access webpages.

Details of the contracts that HQIP awards are available at:

Related resources