Learning disability mortality review programme

Programme overview

The Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme (also known as LeDeR) was established to drive improvement in the quality of health and social care service delivery for people with learning disabilities (LD) by looking at why people with learning disabilities typically die much earlier than average. The programme was commissioned by HQIP on behalf of NHS England and was led by the University of Bristol’s Norah Fry Research Centre. Through local retrospective reviews of deaths, health and social care professionals, and policymakers have been supported to understand causes of death and to identify amenable factors contributing to the overall burden of excess premature mortality for people with learning disabilities. The programme has identified variation and best practice and made several recommendations to improve services.

Additional information on all HQIP-commissioned projects is available on the NHS Trusts page, which includes the recommendations repository, infographics compendium, 9 month publication schedule, impact report, and National Clinical Audit and Enquiries Directory.

The HQIP-University of Bristol contract for this work concluded on 31 May 2020 however the programme is continuing. Further details about next steps can be found here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/learning-disabilities/improving-health/mortality-review/leder.

Accessing data

Data collected on behalf of HQIP by all NCAPOP projects is reported and these reports are available in the ‘Latest resources’ section.

For details of how to apply for data that is not in the public domain, please see HQIP’s data access webpages.

Details of the contracts that HQIP awards are available at: www.gov.uk/contracts-finder.