National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients (NABCOP)
Programme overview
NABCOP was a national clinical audit which began in April 2016 and was run by the Association of Breast Surgery (ABS) and the Clinical Effectiveness Unit (CEU) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS). The aim of NABCOP was to support NHS providers to improve the quality of hospital care for older patients with breast cancer. This was achieved by publishing information about the care provided by all NHS hospitals that deliver breast cancer care in England and Wales, looking at the care received by patients with breast cancer and their outcomes.
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NABCOP came to an end in September 2022, with two new breast cancer audits commencing in October 2022 within the National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre (NatCan). NatCan has been funded to deliver six new national cancer audits, which include two audits focussing on primary and metastatic breast cancer in patients of all ages.
Patient & Public Engagement case study: The National Audit of Breast Cancer in Older Patients’ (NABCOP) case study of their commended entry from the 2022 Richard Driscoll Memorial Award (RDMA) can be read in full here.