News, events & blogs
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New data shows increasing survival rates for bowel cancer surgery patients
Published: 14 Dec 2015
Number of people surviving bowel cancer following major surgery has increased significantly, report finds.
NHFD report urges commissioners to question how long patients with hip fractures remain in rehabilitation
Published: 09 Dec 2015
The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) commissioners’ report highlights today, that Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England should question the length of stay for rehabilitation beds they commission in community hospitals and care homes for hip fracture, and other conditions affecting older people because NHS information systems are not reliably recording this information.
Specialist rehabilitation audit reports good early progress
Published: 08 Dec 2015
The National Clinical Audit of Specialist Rehabilitation for Patients with Complex Needs Following Major Injury has reported an enthusiastic reception since launching earlier this summer.
UK study calls for improvements in perinatal mental health-care
Published: 07 Dec 2015
A UK-wide study of pregnancy-related deaths in women has found that while overall numbers are falling, some women could receive better care, particularly in relation to their mental health.
Sentinel stroke report reveals improvements but further progress in stroke care is needed
Published: 01 Dec 2015
The second annual SSNAP report reveals today that despite steady progress in stroke care, further work needs to be done to ensure that patients have access to key interventions and assessments when they are admitted to hospital.
Stroke: Targets missed for 40% of patients on hospital discharge
Published: 01 Dec 2015
In one of two reports published today the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) launches its first audit report on the organisation of care for stroke survivors once they leave hospital.
Lung cancer: surgery rates static despite recommendations
Published: 01 Dec 2015
The 11th annual report of the National Lung Cancer Audit (NLCA), published today by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), reveals that despite significant progress in lung cancer care during the first 5 years of the audit, there have been no significant improvements since then.
Prostate cancer audit reports large rise in curative treatments
Published: 27 Nov 2015
National Prostate Cancer Audit 2015 annual report finds men with locally advanced prostate cancer increasingly offered radical treatments
NCDs and clinical audit: the start of true engagement?
Published: 24 Nov 2015
A blog from Professor Danny Keenan, HQIP medical director, following the monthly meeting of the National Clinical Directors
At risk sepsis patients suffer critical delays, NCEPOD report finds
Published: 23 Nov 2015
The latest National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) report – into sepsis, a common but life-threatening condition – shows 45% of patients who were admitted to hospital with no other obvious functional problems, either suffered from a disabling condition at discharge or died with sepsis.
Critical gaps in antenatal care identified in cases of term stillbirth
Published: 19 Nov 2015
Report identifies critical gaps in antenatal care in cases of term stillbirth
Diabetes: lack of blood sugar control putting pregnancies at risk, national audit finds
Published: 18 Nov 2015
Three out of four (74%) pregnant women with diabetes have higher than recommended blood sugar levels in early pregnancy, new findings from the national diabetes audit reveals.
First Pulmonary Rehabilitation audit shows variation in care nationally
Published: 18 Nov 2015
First national audit shows that pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programmes are providing treatment in line with guidelines and quality standards, however with some variations of care.
NHS England urges clinical audit suppliers to complete 2016/17 Quality Accounts survey
Published: 16 Nov 2015
NHS England requires the providers of National Clinical Audit (NCA) and Clinical Outcome Review Programmes to complete the following short survey by 5pm on Wednesday 2 December 2015 in order that they can be considered for inclusion in the 2016/17 Quality Accounts list.
#CAAW blog: Diary of an audit lead day 5 – the lows and highs of serving the NHS
Published: 13 Nov 2015
In the fifth and final Clinical Audit Awareness Week blogs, Michael Spry (Countess of Chester Hospital FT audit lead, Mersey Clinical Audit Network chair and NQICAN member) gives his views on the lows and highs of working in the NHS
#CAAW blog – Diary of an audit lead day 4
Published: 13 Nov 2015
In the fourth of his Clinical Audit Awareness Week blogs, Michael Spry (Countess of Chester Hospital FT audit lead, Mersey Clinical Audit Network chair and NQICAN member) gives his views on audit by observation
#CAAW blog – Diary of an audit lead day 3
Published: 13 Nov 2015
In the third of his Clinical Audit Awareness Week blogs, Michael Spry (Countess of Chester Hospital FT audit lead, Mersey Clinical Audit Network chair and NQICAN member) gives his views on sharing good practice
#CAAW blog: Diary of an audit lead day 2 – a challenge to national clinical audit providers
Published: 10 Nov 2015
In the second of his Clinical Audit Awareness Week blogs, Michael Spry (Countess of Chester Hospital FT audit lead, Mersey Clinical Audit Network chair and NQICAN member) gives his views on national clinical audit impact
Clinical Audit Awareness Week blog: Diary of an audit lead day 1
Published: 10 Nov 2015
Michael Spry, Clinical Improvement & Assurance Manager at Countess of Chester Hospital NHS FT, Chair of Mersey Clinical Audit Network and member of NQICAN, gives his views as CAAW 2015 begins
Neonatal audit: doctors express major concern crucial checks missed for premature babies
Published: 05 Nov 2015
National neonatal audit finds 46% of premature babies not getting two-year developmental health check