July’s eBulletin is now out!

Published: 29 Jul 2022

Welcome to the July 2022 round-up of clinical audit news, events and programmes from HQIP and other relevant healthcare organisations.



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NEW reports published in July

The following reports were published this month:


You can find a full list of all published reports on our website.

HQIP impact report 2022 published

National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) projects address clinical areas where healthcare improvement is required. Each year, we publish a report on the key impacts the projects have had in four categories: national, system, local and public.

In addition, we’re focusing in greater detail on four audits in a collection of in-focus short reports, looking at how they demonstrate impact. The audits are: National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA), Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA), National Bowel Cancer Audit (NBOCA) and National Osephago-Gastric Cancer Audit (NOGCA).

Read the report here.

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Children and young people newsletter

A reminder that the latest themed newsletter from HQIP is now available, bringing you the latest reports from relevant audits, as well as key information from both HQIP and the sector, on the topic of children and young people.

This edition includes:

  • Latest reports on asthma and Type 1 diabetes, as well as news of up-and-coming reports
  • Overview of relevant recent reports including Spotlight on Early Years
  • Case studies and resources to support patient engagement
  • Reports, resources and a blog from the sector on children and young people.

Read the full newsletter here.

National Clinical Audit Benchmarking: New data available

New performance data is now available on the National Clinical Audit Benchmarking (NCAB) portal on the following areas:

NCAB is an online portal providing access to national audit performance data benchmarked by speciality, Trust, hospital or unit. To find out about your provider’s benchmarked performance in a range of clinical areas, visit the NCAB website.

Model Health System: Key metrics available

More key audit metrics provided by the National Clinical Audit Benchmarking (NCAB) portal are now available in the Model Health System on the following areas:

  • National Hip Fracture Database, and
  • National Emergency Laparotomy Audit.

Please note that registration is required.

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) tender live

HQIP is seeking to commission an organisation that will support the delivery of the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme. The programme will initially be delivered for NHS-funded care in England and Wales but in future may include, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.

The tend will close at 12 noon on 25 August 2022.

Further details can be found on the tenders page of the HQIP website.

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