Annual diabetes checks reduce mortality risk for people with diabetes

Published: 12 Jul 2017

In five-year age groups, ranging from 35-39 to 70-74, the mortality rate was half the rate for people with diabetes who had had the annual NICE-recommended checks consistently in the previous seven years compared to those that had not.

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This information has been included for the first time in part 2b of The National Diabetes Audit 2015-16, Report 2: Complications and Mortality. It was published today by NHS Digital in two parts; a (complications of diabetes) and b (associations between disease outcomes and preceding care.) The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) commission the audit as part of the National Clinical Audit Programme, which is managed by NHS Digital in collaboration with Diabetes UK.

Part 2a of the report covers mortality and complications up until March 2016. It found that for people with diabetes, the risk of death was increased at all ages, in both men and women, compared to the general population. Younger people are at greater relative risk of premature death than older people.

Those who appeared in the 2013-14 audit, including people with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, were 32.1 per cent more likely to die prematurely than their peers in the general population.

For people with Type 1 diabetes, the additional risk of death was 127.8 per cent higher than the wider population. It was 28.4 per cent higher for those with Type 2 diabetes.

The report also contains the numbers of people being admitted to hospital for a range of conditions associated with diabetes.

A total of 29.2 per cent of all emergency and non-emergency hospital admissions for cardiovascular conditions were for people with diabetes.

Vascular outcomes also accounted for a higher proportion of deaths among people with diabetes.

Among 102,010 people with diabetes who died in 2015, 33.4 per cent died from a vascular outcome, which includes coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. Within the general population, a vascular outcome was the cause of 28.5 per cent of all deaths in 2015.