HQIP Chief Executive Officer (CEO) appointment
Published: 15 May 2023
A message from Professor Carrie MacEwen (Chair of HQIP Board of Trustees)
I am delighted to announce that Chris Gush has been appointed as the new CEO of HQIP. Chris brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to improving healthcare through the use of data and quality improvement.
Chris is currently the Executive Director of RCVS Knowledge, a charity that helps advance the quality of care delivered by veterinary professionals. He started his career in microbiology before transitioning to the Department of Health, where he was involved in the development of the NHS Showcase Hospitals Programme. He has also served as the Royal College of General Practitioners’ Assistant Director of Clinical Innovation and Research, where he oversaw workstreams related to cancer prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, and infectious disease monitoring.
At HQIP, Chris will lead the organisation to improve health outcomes by enabling those who commission, deliver and receive healthcare to measure and improve healthcare services. He is committed to building on the great work of his predecessor, Jane Ingham, and collaborating with stakeholders to drive quality improvement to improve patient outcomes.
Chris will start at HQIP in August 2023.