Health Foundation announces research funding for advancing development of national clinical audits and registries
Published: 16 May 2017
HQIP would like to draw your attention to an exciting open research funding call announced by the Health Foundation on 10 May 2017, for its Insight 2017 programme:
£1.6 million is available for research that advances the development and use of data from national clinical audits and patient registries as a mechanism for improving health care quality in the UK
The programme comprises two funding streams for small and large-scale awards. Deadline for applications: Tuesday 25 July 2017
HQIP is delighted the Health Foundation has chosen to focus this call on national clinical audits and registries – areas which historically have not often been subject to research investment.
With increasing focus in the NHS on using data for improvement, this is a timely opportunity to develop the evidence base on how projects are best designed for impact. We would encourage groups and organisations with relevant expertise to make the most of this valuable opportunity.