HQIP teams pledge actions for NHS change day
Published: 27 Aug 2015
HQIP teams have pledged actions to make a difference as part of the NHS Change Day. Across HQIP, teams have picked a pledge reflecting a piece of work that is already underway to help improve care received in the NHS.
Change Day is about collecting, collaborating and sharing pieces of work and projects in one place that reflect how everyone involved in healthcare is working to create meaningful change in patient outcomes and experience. As an organisation committed to promoting quality improvement in healthcare, HQIP is delighted to participate.
HQIP would encourage all its partners and colleagues to join in today and in the coming weeks at www.changeday.nhs.uk and by following @NHSChangeDay on Twitter as well as visiting @HQIP and using the hashtag #NHSChangeDay and #clinicalaudit.
Read our actions below:
National clinical audit and patient outcomes team: “We have begun a process of meeting clinicians responsible for data entry for our audits and outcome programmes to understand how they use the system, the challenges they face and understand how they use the outputs from the programmes.”
Public and patient involvement team: “We have created a strategy designed to reach a wider patient audience with our audit reports, increase membership of our Service User Network (including increasing accessibility by finding new ways for members to contribute) and support organisations to achieve meaningful PPI.”
Quality improvement and development team: “In line with NHS England’s Five Year Forward View, we will help organisations monitor the effectiveness of ‘breaking down the barriers in how care is provided’ to help achieve seamless care between organisations and patient pathway commissioning. We will achieve this via refreshing our guidance on conducting cross-sector clinical audit, looking at what constitutes good governance between organisations, publishing our care audit manuals and our planned work with commissioners on using national and local clinical audit data.”
National Joint Registry team: “We are continuing to extend our patient involvement initiatives and are committed to listening to the patient experience of joint replacement surgery. This year we are planning to; grow our understanding of the patient perspective of successful surgery through our extended PROMs research studies, increase dialogue with our Patient Network and develop our patient-friendly audit information so that our evidence base can be a meaningful part of patient-clinician conversations and shared decision-making.”
Procurement team: “We have begun a process of networking with the wider DH/NHS procurement community through participation in the procurement members area of the DH Centre for Procurement Efficiency (CPE) portal. This dialogue will enable the development of a shared understanding of the challenges other procurement colleagues face and how they use the outputs from the portal to improve and enhance service delivery in their respective organisations.”
Communications team: “We are completing a strategy to ensure HQIP communications enable healthcare colleagues to access the information and resources they need to initiate, plan, measure and improve care for patients. The first major output from the strategy will be a new HQIP website to be launched in the next few months.”