Latest news: July eBulletin
Published: 27 Jul 2023
Welcome to the July 2023 round-up of clinical audit news, events and programmes from HQIP and other relevant healthcare organisations.
- NEW reports published
- New online tools available for CVDPREVENT
- NATCAN website launched
- Impact report published
- Join our Service User Network
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NEW reports published
The following NEW resources have been published on our website this month:
- National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) Admissions report
- National Audit of Care at the End of Life (NACEL) Fourth round report
- Deaths of children and young people due to traumatic incidents (NCMD)
- Making the cut? A review of the care received by patients undergoing surgery for Crohn’s Disease (NCEPOD)
- Epilepsy12 organisational and clinical audits report, England and Wales (2020-22)
- Socioeconomic differences in the impact of oesophago-gastric cancer on survival in England (NOGCA)
A full list of all published reports can be found on the Reports section of our website.
New online tools available for CVDPREVENT
We’re pleased to announce the addition of two exciting new features to the online CVDPREVENT Data & Improvement Tool, aiming to help and inform systems working on their CVD Prevention programmes. This includes a whole new section called the ‘Regional & ICS Insights’ view, which provides a new way to access high-level system data. On top of this, the CVDPREVENT team has added age standardised data for some prevalence indicators, allowing comparisons to be made across areas where age profiles are different. Both of these are launched alongside the regular quarterly data update which, for this quarter, includes data up to March 2023.
Want to know more? The National Clinical Director for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Dr Shahed Ahmad has written a blog all about it, and you can find the Insights view here.
NATCAN website launched
The Royal College of Surgeons have established the new National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre (NATCAN) of excellence to strengthen NHS cancer services by looking at treatments and patient outcomes right across the country.
The new collaborating centre is part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) and is funded by NHS England and the Welsh Government, with £5.4m for an initial period of three years. It aims to:
- Provide regular and timely evidence to cancer services of where patterns of care in England and Wales may vary.
- Support NHS services to increase the consistency of access to treatments and help guide quality improvement initiatives.
- Stimulate improvements in cancer detection, treatment and outcomes for patients, including survival rates.
The National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre will deliver six new national cancer audits:
- Breast cancer (primary)
- Breast cancer (metastatic)
- Ovarian cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- Kidney cancer
The Centre also includes the following existing national cancer audits:
- Prostate cancer
- Oesophago-Gastric Cancer
- Bowel cancer
Please click here for more information.
Impact report published
The 2023 Impact report has been published on our website.
Every project within the NCAPOP has been established to address a clinical area (or areas) where healthcare improvement is required, and the common aim of each project is to have a positive impact on patient care. This compendium provides a summary of some of the key impacts the projects have had.
Impact has been categorised into four categories: national; system; local and public.
Please click here to read the report.
Join our Service User Network
Patients and carers are integral to our work, ensuring it is both relevant and meaningful. It is now easier than ever – and without the need for a fixed commitment – to join our Service User Network (SUN); and we are seeking those with lived experience as patients and carers to take part (please help to share this opportunity with your patient and carer networks)…
More specifically, we have changed the governance arrangements of the SUN so that membership is flexible and open. For example, we no longer hold quarterly meetings or ask people to stand in officer roles. And, with opportunities to take part online, we welcome people from around the country and from all communities.
Please sign up to receive regular newsletters about involvement opportunities and updates on local and national engagement activity. Opportunities will include: inputting into the development of what an HQIP commissioned programme should look like; new project proposals; specific patient advocate positions on national audits; resource reviews and many others.
Please read more about HQIP’s SUN here and complete this form to become involved.
Don’t forget to sign up: Keep up to date with our latest news, events and work programmes by subscribing to our mailing list today. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on twitter: @HQIP.