Latest news: March eBulletin

Published: 30 Mar 2023

Welcome to the March 2023 round-up of clinical audit news, events and programmes from HQIP and other relevant healthcare organisations.


  • NEW reports published
  • National clinical audit programme – interview (Prof Danny Keenan)
  • Clinical Audit Awareness Week 2023 – awards NOW OPEN
  • Patient engagement case study – child mortality (RDMA 2022)
  • NEW benchmarking data available – inpatient falls
  • Join our Service User Network
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NEW reports published

National clinical audit programme – interview (Prof Danny Keenan)

“Change is only useful if it leads to improvement and, for us, that means better outcomes for patients”

In this interview, HQIP Medical Director and Associate Medical Director to the Manchester University Hospitals, Professor Danny Keenan, explains the role of the national clinical audit programme in influencing improvements in healthcare. In particular, he focuses on changes to the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) and its importance in ensuring that resultant services are both relevant and meaningful and, critically, lead to improved outcomes for patients.

Read the interview in full on pages 12-13 of Cornerstone magazine.

Clinical Audit Awareness Week 2023 – awards NOW OPEN

We are delighted to announce that the Clinical Audit Heroes Awards are open for nominations from 30 March 2023. There are five award categories, and more information about the criteria for each (together with online nomination forms) can be found using the links below:

The deadline to submit nominations is Sunday 7 May 2023 and the winners will be announced at a series of Lunch-&-Learn events, hosted by N-QI-CAN, during Clinical Audit Awareness Week from 19-23 June 2023 (12.30-1.30pm). More information about these events will be shared in due course; in the meantime, note the dates and times in your diary.

Promotional toolkit
To support #CAAW23 activities in your organisation and encourage award nominations, we have created a FREE online toolkit of resources. Happy #CAAW23 sharing!

For more information, visit our Clinical Audit Awareness Week webpage.

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Patient engagement case study – child mortality (RDMA 2022)

The Richard Driscoll Memorial Award (RDMA) 2022 asked HQIP commissioned programmes to describe how patients and carers influence the production of the patient-focused outputs of the programme.

This RDMA entry highlights the National Child Mortality Database’s sensitive and effective collaboration with charities to embed the views of families and carers in their work. This entry was highly commended by the judges.

Read the case study in full here.

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NEW benchmarking data available – inpatient falls

New performance data is now available on the National Clinical Audit Benchmarking (NCAB) portal:

NCAB is an online portal providing access to national audit performance data benchmarked by speciality, Trust, hospital or unit. To find out about your provider’s benchmarked performance in a range of clinical areas, visit the NCAB website.

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Join our Service User Network

HQIP’s Service User Network (SUN) welcomes people with lived experience as patients and carers to join as members. A reminder that we have changed the governance arrangements of the SUN and we will no longer be holding quarterly meetings or asking for people to stand in officer roles. Membership is flexible and open. We welcome people from around the country from all communities.

Please sign up to receive regular newsletters about involvement opportunities and updates on local and national engagement activity. Opportunities will include involvement in, input into developing what an HQIP commissioned programme should look like, new project proposals, specific patient advocate positions on national audits, resource reviews and many others.
As an example of the work that SUN members can get involved in, we ran a focus group in March to hear views from those with lived experience of using Mental Health services. These views will be taken forward as we develop the specification for the recommissioning of the Mental Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme.

Upcoming work will include coproduction of patient focused resources for the National Obesity Audit.

Please read more about HQIP’s SUN here and complete this form to become involved.

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