NCEPOD re-awarded medical & surgical outcome review programme
Published: 27 Aug 2015
We are delighted to announce that the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) has been awarded* a 3 year contract to continue managing the Medical and Surgical Clinical Outcome Review programme.
The programme undertakes external anonymised case note review of medical and surgical patients to assess the quality of care provision and patient outcomes. An annual call for topics is held and two reports per year are published.
The reports provide recommendations to improve patient care, identifying remediable factors and producing recommendations on how these can be addressed, helping commissioners understand opportunities to improve outcomes for patients and highlighting issues requiring policy change at a national level. Upcoming planned reports include Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage (June 2015), Sepsis (November 2015), Acute Pancreatitis (2016) and Provision of mental health care in acute hospitals (2016).
Dr Marisa Mason, Chief Executive of NCEPOD said “We are delighted to be able to continue to manage the Medical and Surgical Clinical Outcome Review Programme. NCEPOD has been involved with this work since its inception in 1988, and we have published 38 reports to support hospitals and doctors to ensure that the highest possible quality of safe patient care is delivered. We look forward to continuing to critically examine the care that patients receive with the aim of improving patient care and safety.”
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