
HQIP teams pledge actions for NHS change day

Published: 27 Aug 2015

HQIP teams have pledged actions to make a difference as part of the NHS Change Day. Across HQIP, teams have picked a pledge reflecting a piece of work that is already underway to help improve care received in the NHS.

HQIP and NJR help celebrate the patient experience

Published: 27 Aug 2015

HQIP's quality improvement and National Joint Registry teams have collaborated to help celebrate the patient experience, as part of today’s Patient Experience Network's 5th National Awards and Conference.

National vascular registry progress report complements outcomes publication

Published: 27 Aug 2015

The latest National Vascular Registry progress report aims to complement the NHS trust and surgeon-level information for elective infra-renal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) repair and carotid endarterectomy published in 2014. The progress report provides an overview of care delivered by the NHS at a national level, and describes various developments within the National Vascular Registry.

COPD care improves but ‘still not good enough’ audit finds

Published: 27 Aug 2015

The national COPD clinical audit report COPD: who cares matters, published today, shows that some aspects of care have improved since the last audit in 2008, but is still not good enough in many areas.

Suicide warnings signs in mental health trusts

Published: 27 Aug 2015

Staff turnover and complaints in mental health trusts could be suicide warning signs

Complication rate for diabetes patients leads to higher death rates

Published: 27 Aug 2015

One in five people admitted to hospital for angina; stroke; heart attack; and heart failure have diabetes

Medical director to chair Clinical Audit for Improvement 2015

Published: 27 Aug 2015

HQIP medical director Professor Danny Keenan is to chair the opening day of this year's Clinical Audit for Improvement conference.

University of Manchester re-awarded suicide and homicide enquiry programme contract

Published: 27 Aug 2015

HQIP is pleas to announce that the University of Manchester's National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness (NCISH) has been re-awarded a three-year contract to continue managing the Mental Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme.

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