Tender for national maternity and perinatal clinical audit

Published: 27 Aug 2015

Page published: 14 April 2015 and updated 12 May 2015

Supporting documentation: ITT/scheduling documents: please see bottom of page for links to all supporting ITT/scheduling documents

HQIP invites expressions of interest from suitable providers who are able to provide a national maternity and perinatal clinical audit in England, Wales and Scotland as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP). This contract is being tendered under the Public Contracts Regulation 2015 under a restricted procurement procedure and has been advertised in accordance with EU requirements under Ref: OJEU Notice Ref: 2015/S 072-127748.

Title UK-London: HQIP NCA 170

Contract Value & Duration: The contract value for the full 5 year term, which includes a possible 2 year extension, is between £1,980,000 and £3,300,000 excluding VAT. However, the contract is being offered for three years initially with a maximum budget of £1,980,000 excluding VAT and bids exceeding this limit may be rejected.

The overarching aim of this audit programme is:

  1. To improve the quality of services and the outcomes achieved for mothers and newborns cared for by hospital maternity services in England, Wales and Scotland.
  2. This aim will be achieved through a project with the following objectives:
  3. To engage patients, those that deliver care and those that commission and regulate care in defining the audit measures most likely to support both quality assurance and quality improvement of maternity services.
  4. To enable improvements through the provision of timely, high-quality data that compares providers of healthcare to at least the level of named maternity service.
  5. To consider how data captured in the MCDS, other data collected in MIS and other sources of data in NHS Wales and Scotland could be used to support these audit measures. This is both for the purposes of minimising local burden of data entry and so that the audit itself supports the establishment of data flow in the MCDS and NHS Wales and Scottish systems.
  6. NHS England has recently announced a Maternity review:http://www.england.nhs.uk/2015/03/03/maternitycare/. It is anticipated that over time this may provide a valuable source of intelligence when shaping the scope of this audit, and in particular when selecting topics for topic-specific, time-limited audits.
  7. To achieve and maintain close alignment with relevant NICE and SIGN national guidelines and quality standards throughout the audit, as appropriate.
  8. To include risk adjustment as appropriate, in order to support meaningful comparisons.
  9. To develop the reporting schedules and feedback mechanisms for the audit to support the local use of data, minimising the reporting delay, and providing continual access to each unit for their own data. The use of dashboard-style outputs and other reporting styles should be explored. Consider the needs of the full range of audiences who may contribute to improving patient outcomes.
  10. To develop an appropriate topic selection process for the time-limited audits to consider both need and potential benefit of auditing in that area.

Aims of this National Clinical Audit:

The successful tenderer will provide a national comparative clinical audit of the quality and outcomes of NHS funded

maternity and perinatal care delivered to women and infants by maternity services in England, Wales and Scotland.

The audit will comprise:

Element 1: A continuous prospective clinical audit comprising a number of key processes and outcomes as indicators of high quality delivery of care by maternity services.

Element 2: Periodic, time-limited, topic-specific prospective audits achieved by temporary expansion of the audit dataset.


Suitable providers will need to be able to demonstrate:

  • Effective and fully-integrated clinical leadership.
  • The ability to engage actively with all relevant professional disciplines.
  • Robust project management skills.
  • Methodological expertise and experience, data collection, data cleaning and analysis and information security/management skills, including understanding / experience of patient-level data linkage.
  • Sound knowledge of information governance and procedures for gaining permissions for data processing.
  • Capacity and experience to successfully deliver the above requirement(s).
  • Sound economic and financial standing assessed by evidence of professional indemnity insurance, audited accounts covering at least three previous financial years, a statement of turnover, profit & loss account and cash flow for the most recent year of trading, a statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position.

Procurement documentation is available from http://www.hqip.org.uk/procurement/

Completed PQQ electronic submissions for participation must be received by HQIP as per the guidance by noon on Thursday 14 May 2015 at the very latest. Providers who subsequently decide not to submit a PQQ are requested to confirm their decision not to participate by return email.

Supporting documentation: regulations, ITT information, ITT scheduling


PQQ clarifications questions and responses (published 12 May 2015)
PQQ regulations (Word)
ITT information:


ITT Information Section 1-3 (pdf)
ITT Information Section 4 HQIP Standard Reporting Procedure (pdf)
ITT Information Section 4 Reporting for NCAPOP (pdf)
ITT Information Section 4 Tender Return Label (pdf)
ITT Information Section 5 Maternity Specification (pdf)
ITT Information Section 6 List of Schedules (pdf)
ITT Information Section 7 Terms and Conditions (pdf)
ITT Information Section 8 Award Criteria (pdf)
NMPAD Stage 1 options report available to tenderers for review as part of the ITT pack (pdf)
NMPAD Stage 2 development report available to tenderers for review as part of the ITT pack (pdf)
ITT scheduling:


ITT Schedule A Form of Tender (Word)
ITT Schedule B Responses to Selection Criteria Questions 1-9 (Word)
ITT Schedule C Responses to Award Criteria Questions 10 and 11 (Word)
ITT Schedule D Collusive Tendering Declaration (Word)
ITT Schedule E Canvassing Declaration (Word)
ITT Schedule F Deliverables Template (Word)
ITT Schedule G Conflict of Interest Declaration (Word)
ITT Schedule H (Schedule of Offer) (Word)
ITT Schedule I Confidential and Commercially Sensitive Data (Word)
ITT Schedule J Sub Contracting (Word)