Cardiovascular disease – annual report (CVDPREVENT)
CVDPREVENT, which focuses on using data to prevent cardiovascular disease, has published an annual audit report for the period up to March 2024. By presenting analysis of GP-recorded data for patients who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease, it aims to highlight the importance of CVD prevention, health improvement, mortality reduction and the narrowing of inequalities.
In 2023, CVD mortality rates amongst patients with GP-recorded hypertension in the least deprived quintile was more than twice the rate of the least deprived
This report contains nine key findings relating to hypertension, cholesterol, atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular disease, including:
- Younger working age groups (aged 18 to 59) comprise approximately a quarter of people with hypertension, and were less likely to be treated to threshold than older groups
- 37% of patients with CVD had their cholesterol lowered to threshold in March 2024, compared to 24% in March 2022
- Mortality from a stroke in patients with CVD was highest in the black ethnic group when compared to other ethnic groups in 2023
- Mortality from a heart attack in people with pre-existing CVD was highest in the Asian ethnic group in 2023.
Five national recommendations for improvement are also included in the report:
- NHS England should revisit and strengthen the national ambitions for lipid management to focus on secondary, as well as primary, prevention
- ICBs should prioritise primary and secondary prevention of CVD through lipid management
- ICBs should maintain blood pressure treatment to target as a key priority
- ICBs should address health inequalities in CVD prevention, and
- NHS England and the DHSC should tailor future national ambitions taking into account potential growth in the detected prevalence of conditions and patient numbers alongside % achievement.
Read the full report: You can see all key findings and read the report in full by clicking on the link below.
NEW for Dec 2024 – Quality improvement data packs: ICB level QI data packs are now available on the CVDPREVENT Data & Improvement Tool, with insights into four key metrics – find out more here.
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More information: For further information, go to the programme page on this website.