Cardiovascular Disease-Inequalities in cholesterol management by sex (CVDPrevent)
The National Audit of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Primary Care (CVDPrevent) has published a deep dive report on inequalities in cholesterol management by sex for patients with CVD. Based on data up to December 2023, this report highlights two inequalities:
- Females with CVD were less likely than males to have a recent prescription for a lipid lowering therapy (LLT)
- Females with CVD were less likely to achieve threshold cholesterol levels compared to males.
These inequalities were present in all age groups, in all geographic regions of England, and were consistent over time.
Further examination found:
- These inequalities were present across all ethnic groups and deprivation quintiles
- Among patients with CVD, females were more likely than males to have never been prescribed an LLT or have been prescribed an LLT in the past, but not recently
- Among patients with CVD and a blood cholesterol test in the past year, the proportion of all patients with a reading above threshold was higher for females than males, regardless of the test used
- Females with a recent LLT prescription were much more likely to have achieved threshold cholesterol levels than females with no recent LLT prescription.
Read the full report: You can view the report by clicking the buttons below.
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