Influencing Change Case Study

Case Studies | Published: 31 Mar 2025

Improving Diabetic Foot Infection Outcomes

Diabetic Foot Infection Team, Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals

We are pleased to share an exemplar case study from the winner of the Influencing Change category of the Clinical Audit Heroes Awards (part of Clinical Audit Awareness Week 2024).

The team was recognised for their project which aims to improve outcomes for diabetic foot infection patients treated with outpatient parenteral antibiotics. The judges found that it was well structured, with multiple data measures, and improvement clearly demonstrated. Of particular note, were the interventions that had quality improvement ‘built-into’ them, as well as the extensive background research undertaken to identify best-practice.

The case study from the Diabetic Foot Infection Team can be viewed below.

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Influencing Change Case Study