Interim Surgical Mesh Database Feasibility Report
HQIP was commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHCS) to undertake a feasibility study to investigate urogynaecological surgical mesh data requirements. We looked particularly at whether current data collections could address recommendations from the early findings of Baroness Cumberlege’s Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review as an interim measure before a full clinical national registry could be established.
Our report following that feasibility study was submitted to DHSC in January 2019. It was then subject to a period of review as the recommendations were considered. We are pleased to have received confirmation from DHSC that the report can now be published.
The report makes 10 recommendations for the establishment of an interim database, including:
- Mandatory data collection for surgical mesh implants
- Reporting of outcomes of surgical mesh procedure, including performance benchmarking and the publication of patient-friendly annual reports
- The introduction of data sharing and tracking to ensure patients can be contacted when appropriate.
Other recommendations focus on governance arrangements, data quality, scope and inclusion criteria.
The report also proposes that further patient engagement is required during the establishment of an interim database to ensure the information collected is appropriate and takes important patient outcomes into consideration; this should include wide representation from patient groups.
You can download the report here.