Lung Cancer Clinical Outcomes Publication 2019

Reports | Published: 09 Jan 2020

This audit report forms the sixth lung cancer clinical outcomes publication. Data from 27 surgical units in England, performing thoracic surgery between 1 January and 31 December 2017.

Some key findings from the report:

  • The number of lung cancer operations performed has risen by 5.4% between 2016 and
    2017 to 6,684.
  • Survival at 30 days and at 1 year is high at 98.1% and 88.7% respectively. This was
    maintained despite the increase in activity this year.
  • National resection rates continue to rise, however, there are major differences in unit resection rates, with some units more than twice as likely to operate on cancer patients than others.

You can download the report here.

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Lung Cancer Clinical Outcomes Publication 2019