Mental Healthcare in Young People and Young Adults

Reports | Published: 12 Sep 2019

This review looks in detail at the mental healthcare provided to young people from the unique perspective of the overlap between physical and mental healthcare, the quality of physical and mental healthcare provided and how patients with mental health conditions use healthcare services. The overarching aim of this study was to identify areas of care that can be improved for all patients aged between 11 and 25 years.

The review is divided into three reports:

  • Report I and Report 2 both focus on patients with three common mental health conditions and one behaviour: eating disorders, depression, anxiety and self-harm. Report I provides an in-depth qualitative overview of the clinical care provided to patients. It summarises the findings from across the UK, from clinical questionnaires and multidisciplinary case note reviews, to highlight improvements in clinical care. Report 2 focuses on an analysis of routinely collected national datasets for patients aged 11-24 years (up to their 25th birthday) and how they used healthcare services over a ten-year period between 2004 and 2014.
  • Report 3 is a summary of the review.

Click below to download the reports.

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Mental Healthcare in Young People and Young Adults