My hip fracture care: 12 questions to ask

Patient Focused Reports | Published: 19 Feb 2016

A guide for patients, families and carers

An easy to read guide aimed at patients, their families and carers.  It explains what a hip fracture is and answers 12 essential questions about what to expect from your care. There is also space for patients to make notes.

The guide clearly and helpfully answers the following common concerns:

  • What will be done to relieve my pain?
  • What will be done to help me if I have memory problems or become confused?
  • When will I meet a geriatrician to plan my care and rehabilitation?
  • Will I have surgery on my first or second day in hospital?
  • Will a senior surgeon and anaesthetist be in charge of my operation?
  • What will be done to help me if I have difficulty with eating or drinking?
  • How soon after surgery will I get out of bed and start physiotherapy?
  • Will I be able to go home and if so how soon?
  • How will I be kept informed of my progress, so that my family and carers can make arrangements for me when I leave hospital?
  • What will be done to try and reduce my risk of falling in the future?
  • What will be done to see if I need bone strengthening treatment?
  • Will you check up on me after I leave hospital?


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My hip fracture care: 12 questions to ask