National Audit of Primary Breast Cancer Report 2024 (NAoPri)
The National Audit of Primary Breast Cancer (NAoPri), part of the National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre (NATCAN), has published a State of the Nation 2024 report on the care received by people diagnosed with primary breast cancer during 2019-21 in England and Wales. Based on data relating to 130,300 people, this report is the audit’s first annual assessment of NHS breast services and provides a baseline description of care.
It reports on indicators that were defined to monitor progress against the following five NAoPri quality improvement goals:
- Improve the movement of patients through the care pathway
- Reduce unwarranted variation for patients undergoing surgery
- Reduce unwarranted variation for patients having non-surgical oncological treatments
- Improve access to breast reconstruction after mastectomy
- Improve and reduce unwarranted variation in primary breast cancer outcomes.
The report also contains five recommendations:
- Ensure that people with breast cancer have access to Triple Diagnostic Assessment (TDA) in a single visit
- Review the use of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for all patients with early invasive breast cancer to reduce levels of unexplained regional variation
- Confirm breast multidisciplinary teams (MDT) have a data lead responsible for ensuring the quality of national data submissions
- Ensure the recording of date and type of breast cancer recurrence in cancer datasets
- Review rates of immediate reconstruction and, where rates are identified as below the mean, act to improve access to immediate reconstruction.
Read the full report: You can view the report by clicking the button below.
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This report was originally published on 12th September 2024. Version 2: October 2024 – This version of the report includes corrections in the infographic on page 6, in audit statistics on page 7, and in paragraph 3 of page 12. The second paragraph of the key messages on page 12 has been reworded for clarity and statistics have been updated.