National Audit of Dementia – RDMA20 Case Study

Case Studies, Case studies: national | Published: 06 Jan 2021

The Richard Driscoll Memorial Award 2020 asked HQIP commissioned programmes to describe how they have adapted to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic to sustain patient and public involvement in clinical audit.

The National Audit of Dementia’s case study shows a high degree of patient and carer feedback in adapting to maintain patient care during a time of crisis along with rapid and continual involvement of patient and carer networks.

The 2020 Richard Driscoll Memorial Award took place at HQIP’s Annual General Meeting on November 17th in honour of HQIP’s former Chair of Trustees, a passionate life-long ambassador for patient care, who sadly passed away in 2017. The award recognizes HQIP commissioned clinical audits and reviews on the basis of their robust and sustained patient involvement.

All of the case studies recognised at the award can be found on the link below:

Case Studies

The full case study can be read by clicking on the button below.

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National Audit of Dementia – RDMA20 Case Study