National Audit of Dementia – Round 4 Audit Report
There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK. This is expected to rise to one million by 2025 and continue to increase to two million by 2051. Dementia costs the UK economy £26.3 billion a year and is a significant challenge for the NHS with an estimated 25% of acute beds occupied by people with dementia.
This report presents the Round 4 results of the National Audit of Dementia. The care and support of people with dementia remains a key priority in England and Wales. It is one of the 10 priorities identified by NHS England in the ‘Five Year Forward View’ and the Welsh Government’s Dementia Action Plan 2018-2022 emphasises the importance of providing high quality dignified care for people with dementia.
Scores from each hospital are derived from key themes and are shown in comparison to the scores from Round 3. There are several areas where improvement has been made: 96% of hospitals in England and Wales now have a system in place for more flexible family visiting; a large number (88%) of carers (and/or patients) receive a copy of the discharge plan; and more staff report being able to access finger food or snacks for patients with dementia.
Key areas for improvement include striving to ensure that more hospitals assess for delirium and that any member of staff involved in the care of people with dementia must have training relevant to their grade and include identification and management of delirium. This training should be recorded to provide assurance to the public and regulators.
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