National Prostate Cancer Audit: Annual Report 2018

Reports | Published: 14 Feb 2019

There are over 40,000 new diagnoses of prostate cancer every year in the UK and over 11,000 men die because of the disease. This makes prostate cancer the second most common cause of cancer-related death for men in the UK.

This report presents results for men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017 in England and Wales. It reports on specific diagnostic, staging and treatment information as well as core performance indicators in order to compare diagnostic specialist MDTs or treatment centres. This is the first report which combines English and Welsh data as well as using patient-reported experience (PREMs) and outcome measures (PROMs) as performance indicators.

Reporting on a total of 14 performance indicators, the NPCA is the first national audit which is able to report on process and outcome measures from all aspects of the care pathway for men with prostate cancer.

Click below to read the full report.

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National Prostate Cancer Audit: Annual Report 2018