National report for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Spotlight Audit 2018/2019
In 2016, NHS England introduced the Early Intervention in Psychosis Access and Waiting Time Standard (NHS England, NICE & NCCMH, 2016). This is designed to improve access to EIP services for people experiencing First Episode Psychosis (FEP), ensure the provision of evidence-based treatments, and monitor patient outcomes. It also requires services to take part in a national quality assessment and improvement programme.
This report presents the findings from the National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP) Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) spotlight audit which took place in 2018/2019. This report provides national and organisation-level findings on the treatment of patients by Early Intervention Psychosis Teams in England.
Data collected in this audit show continuing improvements in the provision of timely access to evidence-based treatments for people experiencing First Episode Psychosis. However, more can be done to improve the provision of evidence-based care in line with NICE quality standards. Monitoring of clinical outcome measures has improved but remains low. Variation between Trusts on individual standards shows opportunities for learning and the importance of equitable commissioning and resourcing.
Click on the link below to download the report.