Improving health outcomes by embedding patient voice in procurement
HQIP manages a complex national clinical audit and outcome review programme, funded by NHS England and the Welsh government. Through rigorous specification-driven commissioning, HQIP facilitates the effective measurement of the quality of care and outcomes across a wide range of specialties.
The programme supports clinical pathway improvement and reduces variability from evidence-based standards of care – improving outcomes for patients. Over many years, HQIP has refined a process that ensures that patient, carer and public engagement is embedded throughout this commissioning process.
This case study outlines:
- The approach we took to embedding patient and public involvement (PPI) systematically in all projects commissioned
- Examples of the impact that this has had
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How HQIP could help you
As a not-for-profit and trusted partner of the NHS, we understand complex healthcare challenges and take a patient-focused, evidence-informed approach to providing solutions. For support with patient engagement, transformation strategy, improvement training, or value-based procurement support, contact our expert team: [email protected]