Perinatal mortality surveillance report (MBRRACE-UK)

Reports | Published: 11 Jul 2024

The Maternal, Newborn and Infant Clinical Outcome Review Programme has published an MBRRACE-UK report on perinatal mortality surveillance. Based on UK wide data for babies born in 2022, it states that the most common causes of stillbirth and neonatal death were unchanged, finding that congenital anomalies contributed to 17% of deaths.

It also includes the following key findings:

  • Stillbirth rates decreased across the UK in 2022, but neonatal mortality increased
  • There was wide variation in neonatal mortality rates
  • Stillbirth and neonatal mortality rates decreased in almost all gestational age groups
  • Inequalities in mortality rates by deprivation and ethnicity remain.

As well as findings related to recommendations published in previous reports, this report contains a new recommendation, calling for healthcare commissioners to ensure that neonatal intensive care capacity and resources reflect the increase in the numbers of babies born before 24 completed weeks’ gestational age receiving survival-focused care.

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Perinatal mortality surveillance report (MBRRACE-UK)