Perinatal Mortality Review Tool Annual Report
The Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT) has published its latest annual report. Based on analysis of reviews completed from March 2021 to February 2022, it focuses on quality in terms of parent engagement, the review process and subsequent action plans.
The report found that there have been continued improvements in the use of the tool, despite it being based on reviews carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic (at the time of a multitude of challenges to the health service). Other key findings include:
- Improvements in the multi-disciplinary nature of reviews are evident in this report with, notably, a continuing increase in the proportion of reviews of neonatal deaths which involved a neonatologist or paediatrician, and a neonatal nurse; and a continuing decrease in the number of reviews involving only three or fewer staff members.
- There has been a general shift in the holistic grading of care suggesting that the discipline of robust self-examination is being embraced more widely, with the need for improvements in care identified more frequently.
- The issues with care identified in this report are largely focused around the same areas as in previous reports including screening for fetal growth restriction and management of reduced fetal movements; assessment of maternal risk status and staffing issues during labour and birth; and thermal and respiratory management once the baby is born.
The report goes on to make a number of recommendations, including a call for the local PMRT summary reports and this national report to be used as a basis to prioritise resources for key aspects of care and quality improvement activities identified as requiring action.
Read the full report: You can read the report by clicking on the link below.
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