Neonatal audit–Summary report on 2023 data (NNAP)

Reports | Published: 10 Oct 2024

The National Neonatal Audit Programme (NNAP) has published a Summary report on 2023 data. Key findings show that outcomes of neonatal care for babies born at less than 32 weeks is not improving; these include:

  • 6.4% died before discharge home, a 0.1% decrease from 2022
  • 5.5% developed necrotising enterocolitis, a 0.7% decrease from 2022
  • 6.6% experienced Intraventricular Haemorrhage (IVH), a 0.9% decrease from 2022.

As such, the NNAP makes the following national recommendations, in addition to previous recommendations aimed at the National Health Service England and health departments in the Devolved Governments:

  • Ensure that Neonatal Networks with low rates of survival review their mortality data and develop locally prioritised improvement plans
  • Review survival rates in very preterm infants and work with The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to support future research investigating the reasons for the observed geographical variation in mortality
  • Ensure that Neonatal Networks work with their constituent units and are:
    • Regularly reviewing and addressing their rates of missing data for preterm brain injury and necrotising enterocolitis
    • Utilising the NNAP restricted access dashboard to validate these data in order that units and networks can develop quality improvement plans based on babies’ outcomes.

This report also contains key messages and recommendations in relation to optimal perinatal care, parental partnership in care, neonatal nurse staffing and care processes.

Read the full report: You can read the report by clicking on the link below.

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Neonatal audit–Summary report on 2023 data (NNAP)