Healthcare Quality Improvement

This page provides information and resources to support the use of the national clinical audit and patient outcome programme (NCAPOP) to stimulate healthcare quality improvement.

A quality improvement strategy guide for NCAPOP providers

Examples of NCAPOP provider plans:

Examples of NCAPOP quality improvement projects

Quality improvement resources to support healthcare providers

We have produced a guide to quality improvement. The guide brings together twelve quality improvement methods, providing an overview of each and practical advice on how and when to implement them, with illustrative case examples.

Additional quality improvement guides and tools are available via the following links.

eLearning – Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals

We have created a new eLearning course: ‘Introduction to quality improvement for healthcare professionals’, to provide information about the  principles and tools involved in quality improvement.

Maximising the quality improvement potential of the NCAPOP

We undertook a project, funded by the Health Foundation, to enhance the quality improvement potential of the NCAPOP) by:

  • Refining and improving HQIP’s approach to commissioning.
  • Raising the visibility of the NCAPOP improvement activity and resources.
  • Increasing the support to NCAPOP delivery teams on designing for QI impact.

Read the full project report here.

Guide to writing a NCAPOP Healthcare Quality Improvement plan

A writing guide can be found here.

A-Z of clinical audit and QI networks

HQIP provides support for clinical audit and quality improvement networks, many of which were established by our quality improvement and development team. We encourage audit and QI professionals to engage in the benefits of sharing best practice, networking and co-education and training to ensure that skills are recognised and maintained in healthcare provider organisations.

Importantly, clinical audit and quality improvement professionals are a vital source of knowledge and support for clinicians and patient and public involvement leads in driving forward quality improvement activity.

Networks are a great way to get peer support and find out what has worked well in other regions and hospitals. Are you a member of a network? Find out about to get involved in your local network below.

If you have any queries about our support for networks please contact: [email protected]




N-QI-CAN is a professional network of colleagues undertaking clinical audit and other improvement work across England and was founded in 2000 (under the name of National Audit Governance Group). We have 11 regional networks, covering over 500 organisations that provide care to patients across the NHS and hospices with over 1000 active members.


Read more about N-QI-CAN here.