National Maternity and Perinatal Audit: Clinical report 2017

Reports | Published: 05 Apr 2018

This report was originally published in November 2017 however it has been updated in April 2018 to rectify some minor data inaccuracies

The NMPA measures a range of care processes and outcomes and provides these data to maternity providers to facilitate quality improvement. Not all measures are accompanied by a national standard or acceptable ranges, and the NMPA does not limit its set of audit measures to only those that have ‘auditable standards’. Very few such standards exist in maternity that can be measured via a national audit.

The purpose of the continuous audit is to:

  • stimulate thought among healthcare professionals, managers, commissioners and policy-makers
  • lead people to ask challenging questions and discuss and reflect locally, regionally and nationally
  • allow maternity services and commissioners to identify priority areas for improving outcomes and productivity

To download the full report click on the link at the bottom of this page.

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National Maternity and Perinatal Audit: Clinical report 2017