If you would like to submit your quality improvement work as a case study, then please fill out the form below.
Programme title:*
Authors names and roles*
Background* What was the problem/area that needed improvement? How was this related to the NCAPOP? Which audit/ clinical outcome review programme? What was your SMART aim? Max 100 word
Methods* What improvement methodology did you use? What were your intervention(s)? How did you measure to see if your change was an improvement? Max 100 words
Results * Please include run charts, graphs and images as supporting files if relevant Max 200 words
Conclusion * What did you learn? Successes – what worked well? Barriers/ failures –What were the main barriers you faced during the project and how did you address these? Max 100 words
Next steps * What is your onward plan to sustain improvement/ drive further improvement? How did you/ will you share your work? Max 100 words
Key contact*
Phone number: