Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme
Applications closing date: 07 Jun 2019 00:00
HQIP NCA 2059 Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme
The Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme was first commissioned by HQIP in 2015 and has been delivered to date by The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) team. The Child Health Clinical Outcome Review Programme is one of four Clinical Outcome Review Programmes (previously known as confidential enquiries) which are designed to help assess the quality of healthcare, and stimulate improvement in safety and effectiveness by systematically enabling clinicians, managers and policy makers to learn from adverse events and other relevant data. The Child Health Clinical Outcome and Review Programme is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England, Welsh Government, the Scottish Government, the Northern Ireland Department of Health and the States of Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man.
The successful bidder will build on the experiences and achievements of the programme since its inception.
Full details of HQIP’s requirements are set out in the specification document.
HQIP uses an e-procurement system, please follow the link to view the specification and to formally express your interest in this contract opportunity. Potential providers must complete the supplier registration form and declaration on the system and submit for approval before they can access the Invitation to Tender (ITT) which is a separate event.
NB. This is a one stage process and the deadline given for the submission of complete tenders is the same as expressions of interest.
Further information can be found here: